In our commitment to environmental stewardship, TLM Environmental goes the extra mile in plastic waste management across Essex.

We offer a diverse range of container sizes tailored to meet your business’s specific needs. We use dedicated lorries for distinct waste streams to guarantee efficient recycling practices while keeping customer prices as low as possible.

Our comprehensive approach ensures that every piece of collected plastic contributes to a sustainable and eco-friendly future. Trust TLM Environmental to handle your plastic waste with care, reliability, and affordability, making responsible waste management accessible to businesses across the Essex area.

  • Compliance


    Complying with all local and national waste management regulations.

  • Flexibility


    We provide a wide range of container sizes and collection schedules to suit your needs

  • Sustainability


    TLM are fully commitment to recycling and eco-friendly waste management.

What We Collect

Accepted waste types

Rejected waste types

Still unsure?

If you have any questions about items not mentioned, please consult with our staff for further information prior to booking.

Call us today

Frequently Asked Questions

How is the waste collected?

Plastic can be placed in a wide range of containers. We recommend enclosed containers so loose material doesn’t blow around, but we have plenty of customers who use open containers or bale their plastics for us to collect on our curtain sider. Pictured below are our most popular plastic container choices, but we have many other options, including trade waste bins, skips, and more!

Why should I recycle my plastic?

Besides a greener image for your company and the apparent recycling benefits, did you know that specific grades of plastic can earn you a rebate? That means you could be earning money from recycling!

What happens to my plastic collected?

All of our plastics return to our waste facility in Basildon to be graded and baled before heading off to a plastic recycling facility in Europe. Once it arrives at the facility, it gets washed to remove any labels and debris and sorted further. The plastic then gets granulated down. Once granulated, it gets heated into a liquid before being turned into long strands, which are cooled in hardened water and chopped into pellets to be shipped to different companies to be made into new products.